Pledge Your Support

As an organisation, New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby highly depends on support from the community in order to fund key areas of our work. By purchasing one or more Support, Save and Win promotion entries you can help us generate funding for our High Performance team, the Wheel Blacks in addition to developing grass route level programs.

How You Can Help?

  1. Choose how much you would like to spend, ensuring the amount is a denomination of $20* (Every $20 equates to one-automatic prize draw entry)
  2. Enter your name, phone number and email so we can enter you in the draw, and send you your e-voucher which can be redeemed against discounted movie tickets and other loyalty deals.
  3. Pay with credit or debit card (we use a secure payment gateway Stripe to keep your information secure.)
  4. Leave a message wishing the team luck, and letting us know how you heard about us!
  5. Enjoy the upcoming games, and enter the draw as many times as you like between now and January 2022!


* New Zealand Wheelchair Rugby appreciates all levels of support. To support with a donation of any amount please click here.

Wheelblacks Pledge Form

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Read about Stripe’s security protocols here.

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